"De cierto te digo que todo lo que hiciste por uno de estos hermanos y hermanas más pequeños, lo hiciste por mÃ". Mateo 25:40
​​The Intersection of Nonviolence & Care for Creation
Fall Semester Series 2023
This 5-Week Virtual Conversation Series is co-sponsored by Casa Esther Catholic Worker House in Omro, Wisconsin and The Catholic Nonviolence Initiative, a project of Pax Christi International, and Pax Christi USA​
This series will make the vital link that has yet to be explored in depth, between violence and the climate crisis and why nonviolent strategies are the only way to achieve sustainable ecological integrity. The foundation for this conversational exploration is based on Catholic Social Teaching, including Pope Francis' encyclical, Laudato Si', (2015) and the role of active nonviolence in Pope Francis' ecological vision for people and our planet.
Conversations are scheduled to take place virtually at 7:00PM ET every Monday throughout the month of October and will explore the interconnected relationship between violence and the ecological crisis. Each session will last 1h:30 minutes and will include a Q&A segment. Registration is limited to university students and staff, and live participation is strongly encouraged.​